Front Desk > Announcements

Upcoming Changes

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Hey all! Thought I'd give you all a heads-up about some coming changes to the forums.

A few weeks back I realised that it had been four years since our last real update to the forums and though we've probably all grown accustomed to the look and feel of the forums to the point where we don't really think about it, I felt it was time for a shake up! To that end, I've spent the last few weeks working on creating what I'm hoping will be a welcomed theme change.

The new theme will bring a bit of a different feel to the forums, making them brighter and hopefully even more enjoyable to use. Not to mention, it'll have that 'new forum smell'* which is always in such great demand. At launch, there will also be at least three variants to chose from. All of you will initially be set to the new forum default theme but then you can choose whether to continue using that one or one of the other variants, this will all be done via your profile so you can change back and forth at any time. For those of you who are set in your ways and opposed to any sort of change, the current theme will remain available too if you wish to switch back to it.

The update should happen either late this week, or early next week. Provided everything goes to plan haha. During the update the forums will be placed into maintenance mode so as to prevent any errors being caused by people trying to access the boards or make posts while I'm moving files around and what not. With any luck it shouldn't take more than a few hours of down time though and it will hopefully be worth it!

*the new forum smell is a lie

Here are some teaser shots of the new theme.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)What? You didn't think I was going to ruin the surprise with a full sized screenshot, did you?

:o change! :compsmash:


in all seriousness though, cool news, looking forward to it :)

Why yes I did think you'd spoil it with a full sized screeny. I NEED IT!

Can't wait :D


--- Quote from: Flacks on July 15, 2015, 05:11:48 AM ---:o change! :compsmash:

--- End quote ---

:lol: You will adapt!  :borgassim:

--- Quote from: gilgermesch on July 15, 2015, 06:18:56 AM ---

in all seriousness though, cool news, looking forward to it :)

--- End quote ---

Love that scene! Also, how young do they look there! I feel old...

--- Quote from: Vaurek on July 15, 2015, 09:17:44 AM ---Why yes I did think you'd spoil it with a full sized screeny. I NEED IT!

Can't wait :D

--- End quote ---

Hehe, well you'll just have to wait. It'll be worth it :P


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