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Author Topic: serena's application  (Read 5785 times)


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Re: serena's application
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2008, 08:12:13 AM »

Now we know some people will nag you abotu reading rules. I would say it is an easy msitake to miss the area which they require from you. I'll explain why tis easy to miss it:

Rules are listed via numbers.

So when you read the alst number and attached rule, its easy to click back or 'forum home' etc.

Also, the part which they require you to read is also marked in such a way that from a sideway glance, can look as the lining which soemtimes may make it appear as a signature above the pics of soemones profile signature.

So is it suspect that people are missing this final rule? Or just simple misunderstanding of onyl reading what is numebred and missing the final parts cause it kinda looks like something else unrelated?

I think both are highly possible.

Alexander Wendaltz

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Re: serena's application
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2008, 02:06:19 PM »
I thought I said make a new subject the subject was to be continued. BAH! Does no one listen anymore?

One more post about the rules and I will split the conversation out and those who said welcome and followed up with the convo will have go give a new welcome.

I apologize to you Serena, this is the first i've seen an application thread get turned into a discussion thread. So once again welcome.
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Kirk: "That's ok"
Bones: "That's ok?!"
Kirk: "Yeah, don't worry about it"

Bones: "Our ship is being hit, sheilds at 60%"
Kirk: "I understand"
Bones: "Should we, I dunno....fire back?!"
Kirk: "....No"


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Re: serena's application
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2008, 12:37:10 AM »
Welcome to the world of tomorrow !!